In-Person Sessions

Training Options

  • 1:1 Training

    One-on one training is the most personal training experience we offer! We work together on an individualized plan to get you from where you are to where you want to be. We start by gathering baseline information about you such as:

    -Fitness history, previous injuries, current training consistency

    -Your current lifestyle in relation to work, family, and/or social demands

    -Your goals for the future, and the steps we can arrange to achieve them.

    Each session is specific to you and your needs.

  • Semi-Private Training

    If you and someone you know want to train together, you can schedule a session together!

    Each person will still have their own plan based off their needs, but the camaraderie of training in tandem can help with motivation and working toward getting better together!

    All baseline information necessary as part of 1:1 training still applies.

  • Powerlifting Technique Sessions

    As powerlifters, our movement patterns and technique are vital to building our lifts. If you are a current Resurgence powerlifting athlete, these in person sessions can be a great complement for any analysis needs you might have.

    These sessions also serve as good places to discuss any nagging pains or injuries you may experiencing while executing your lifts

    Contact your current coach to schedule a session together.

Ready to get Started?

If you’re ready to start, fill out the form, and we’ll be in contact to schedule your free assessment session.